Saturday, January 19, 2008

My last reflection....

When I began this class my idea was instant, I knew what I wanted to write about.I now am even happier that I decided to study this large yet, controvercial subject. I love hearing other opinions on what they see and hear everyday, and wehat their veiws are. I also loved being able to learn and express my thoughts about a passion in my life. Though the research was simple I had a hard time finding out many things. There is just so much to this topic. This semester's class has taught me that I want to pursue the knowledge about cultural studies. I feel like I have learned so much, in so little time. A main idea I will forever hold true is that judgements are the one sin we are capable of making everyday! Unless we learn to rid ourselves of this awful habit violence, hate and fear will always linger among us. Another topic I feel like I have truly intook was that humans are all 99.9% the same. I know I have been saying this since day one but now i beleive it more than ever. This has come from the comments others have left me, my observations at work, home and mainly at school. I have learned to read a newspaper and listen to the teachings. Use them and the ideas of others to come to my conclusion.
The "golden rule," Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is the one set of advice and important ideas I can come up with. If humans were to learn to accept one another our World would be a much better place. People who judge and discriminate really I feel hate themselves or know that they are awful in some way. We make fun of others to boost ourselves. For example, in today's media, American Idol and reality t.v, show us that we would rather listen to others drama than deal with our own.
If I were to read one of my posts it would be my survey. I learned so much from this. I judged people to get them to take my survey. To let them understand and think about the issues I think about all the time. My mind is warped with constant questioning of how others affect me and how I affect others. This post is extremely knowlegable, I took so much time considering things then rethinking them!!! It was my favorite to write. I really got to get in people mind's and see how similar but different we are.
If I were to have done things differently I would have kept up with my blogs a little more. Also and mainly, I would have searched and have become completely stuck in this thought process. I was so distracted by "my life" and what I wanted I dont feel like I really searched and found what I was looking for. I am only a child but I am still elft with questions. I understand much more of the World and how others look at others but I still want and wanted to know more. I wish I would have tried harder to research and learn more. A lot of these blogs are my personal view and the views of others which have opened my mind.
I'm a very passionate person! I love to speak my mind! Iv'e become conscience to my action and have drastically changed. Who I am is still here, but I have changed. I feel like I verse myself quite well. This would be my area of "expertise" I would say. Not that i am an expert at anything but that I am well versed with myself and know what I want to say when I want to say it.
The easiest thing was my topic. I have always had a thing for observing others, their actions and trying to figure what is in their minds. They truly fascinate me. Culture and phsycology are both amazing and something we must understand for us to change our World to the way we want it. Our World needs some work and that is a wonderful yet tragic thing we all must come to terms with. I praise everything for what I have and this blog has helped me to understand people in a far more superior way.
The most difficult thing I was faced with was finding information and data on the wide, large topic, I chose. When ever I would type or try to find "cultural studies" many many things would pop up. I really should have focused on something with in the huge topic, but am really proud of what I have accomplished in such a little time. Specifics were easy to find. This is why on many blogs you will see I tried to focus on one part of the subject rather than the whole topic itself.
In most English classes we would just write essays. This blog system gives the student a hand on expirience and makes it fun! You were meant to use books, the internet, people and yourself. We were able to read about others issues and become well versed with our classmates and their views. I thought it was great and exciting. By reading other's blogs you gain a sence of what is going on in the World without having to try hard, because someone else did it for you. I was disgusted by some of the issues and their information while others I was completely wrapped up in. This class and the other blogs have taught me information I would have never really tried to find before. Yet, when it's put into your face it's something that you cannot blind yourself to. This is life and the "Real World."

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So here is something a little interesting... On my debate I am talking about the difference between the two religions we know as Christianity and Islam.... Here is a site that will bring to just about any stat you would like. This address will immediatly bring you to the number of muslims within our World and which areas they dwell in. With in these stats you can visualize a pie chart of all the different regions, Islam is practiced. It will give you percentage of how many practice Islam, and where. You can click on a country and a blurb will pop - up about the country. It will show you a map of places. You can actually visualize where the locations are. It includes another chart as well, more near a bar graph, WITH RANKS! It's great!
This is my analyzation of what I learned.... The majority of Muslims live with in Indonesia, Pakistan and India. In the United States, 6 million muslims live and our living the great American dream. U.S is number 34 on the list which gives just about all the countries in our World. The least amount of muslims live with in Mongolia and Italy. Yet, there is still people of the religion all over the Earth.
It's wonderful to visualize and read that people around the World, even though we may not get along, but that we can atleast somewhat live in a peace. In the middle east especially at this moment, even though they essentially have the same faiths, they are in one BIG civil war.To me this is great news to hear things like this.... I always wonder why we have civil wars or just really wars in general. We are all so similar. 99.9% the same... Inside at least. I guess i am just confused to how we can treat eachother like that. We all do. America itself had a civil war nearly a few hundred years back. It's as if we never learn. This site boasted my hope for this World. Right now even though Islam is in a huge out break with eachother, it's great to hear there are Muslims around the World.
I beleive no one should boost your religion or faith. This just causes problems. I still am strongly against some of what this religion holds faith in. For violence and murder and War is not the answer. Neither is promoting something so unmoral. Yet, our World will never rid itself of religion because we (humanity) will not let it.This leaves me to, at least be grateful for something even though it may be unmoral, at least it is involved around the World.

Friday, January 11, 2008

??!Hippies!?? both FACT AND OPINION #9 and #12

'Hippie' not a slur to be taken lightly --- Christopher Brod --- December 3, 2006
"For the second time in recent months, a person openly, and to my face, hatefully called me a "hippie," inferring that I was somehow lesser of a human being due to my long hair and beard. Most recently it happened at Snow mass ski area."

The writer of this editorial and fact based article clearly states a brief history of racial slurs and bigotry. He mentions that only, "80 years ago women gained the right to vote, 50 years ago blacks gained equal rights as American citizens, and 60 years ago that eight million Jews, Romas, Poles and homosexuals were systematically murdered in the holocaust." He describes it as "collaterally damaged," and refers to our own present War in Iraq. He even states that "extreme racism still exists today in the United States. The protection of our rights and liberties as equal persons is more fragile than we realize or admit." I completely agree with this statement. I too beleive that in our World as much as we'd like to think racism does not occur , it does. If you disagree with this statement you are just in denial.

He speaks several good terms for hippies. Saying that they deserve more respect than they really get. "Hippies have proven an effective and valuable force in America over the past 45 years." Stating they have excercized many rights valuable to humanity and the constitution to protest and go against many situations invovling the disruption of civil liberties. They go against the mainstream, always being individuals. Brod also clearly expresses not only have they opened the World to far more, but that hippies have shown "America to a freedom of sexuality, which was and is so oppressed by residual Purtitanical restrictions of right and wrong." If you look into our history, this is truly precise. Our World before minorities was completely "one way." Not only just because of hippies but, hippies certainly have done their good deeds. This is why he voices "Who cares if they do drugs and don't want to work in the conventional model? Whatever it is they do, regardless if it upsets our sensibilities, has provided them with self - awarness and conciousness of a high and rational moral center, and an ethical motive to action few religions or governments have ever to succeeded to inspire." I dont neccesarily believe drugs is the way but, really why do we care so much what another person does. They have some of the most morals. They try so hard to put a stop to anything they believe is wrong. Anything they see civic fault in.

They symbolize PEACE!!!!! HELLO is our World retarded! This is the reality. No other form of group in history beside maybe Buddhism has ever tried to advocate this. They advocate non-violence. Our Wrold desperatly needs this factor. People of all ethnicities, religious groups, peopel all around the World hold grudges and hatred. They are simply unhappy with the way life is. This causes this anger and hatred. "Hippies are sages of this country who have defended and upheld the basic human rights and freedoms all you "haters" out there take for granted."

"When will we learn to have true respect for other human beings?" I question this all the time. I have no hope for anything. We need to completely redue our code of ethics and morals. We need to discard religion and all these "subscultures," which in reality fill our World with poor judgments and labels upon others. Who is richer than the next? Or who is more poor? Who is what religion? What race are you? Where are you from? These are all ways to apply judgment on another. We need to ride ourselves of them. "Maybe that day will come when we learn nonviolence towards other creatures (of all species.)"

I had an extremely hard time finding two articles, one being the fact and opinion and the other being the opinion, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone... Metaphorically speaking..... Actually with what I read before should not have even said that... I am joking. I searched FOREVER! I know this is not as updated as you'd of liked but I found it a tremendous article... It includes both fact and opinions.... Things that have been shown through out history, which are true as well as the opinion of a great man!! He speaks as if it was the easiest thing he could do.... I believe and agree with the majority of what he says. Though it is very bias, he is trying to make a point... That not only are hippies great! Even though he does emphasize that they are.... But that individuality is a wonderful aspect of life.... Something we should treasure.... He includes one up to date films BORAT, historically accurate data and also he advises that mainstream is not he best way.... I found this article intirely useful... Figured I could use it for both.....

Sunday, January 6, 2008


After several months of reading, writing and obtaining knowledge on Cultural Studies, I have

decided that it is just ONE BIG CONTROVERSY! No matter how hard we try, this HUGE topic is and will remain one for ever more. I figured since this is supposed to be a debate I would chose a topic in which focused more on one of the several many subtopics within my topic.

I find religion to be one of the major issues in our World. I will be comparing Islam vs. Christianity. You see for myself, I believe religion is stupid and pointless. I never have truly been able to grasp the concept of "God." Unfortunately in our World at this time two very major faiths are at WAR. This is known as the War on Iraq. Though its not necessarily Christianity. The one who put us in the War is a Christian.

To be even more specific I will be focusing on their (Islam and Christian) views on War, oppression, murder, and violence. This is only because we are facing major issues surrounding our environment.... I will be receiving both informations from the following address This address will inform you of far more than just what i would like to explain. It includes all other aspects of faiths. This informs us of dieties, morality, which I will also be explaining, treatment towards women, eternal judgement, prayer and many more.... CHECK IT OUT!

With in Islam, they believe violence should be both accepted and forbidden. This all depends on who you are talking about. "Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme." (Koran 8:37) Muslims are taught that Islam and Allah is greatest and that any other belief is wrong. It specifically insists anti - relationships with Jews or Christians,"When the Sacred Months are over, kill those who ascribe partners to God wheresoever ye find them; seize them, encompass them, and ambush them; then if they repent and observe prayer and pay the alms, let them go their way (Koran 4:5). " Is this not ridiculous! I find it completely against what God ultimately wants. Or what I understand of "God or Allah." The Koran and Muslims disapprove however saying " And slay not the soul which God has forbidden except for the just cause..." (Koran 17:33) and " If anyone killed a person not in retaliation for murder or to spread mischief in the land, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the whole of mankind." (Surah Al-Maaida 5:32) The Koran makes it clear that fighting and violence are ok in the act of retaliation. In somewhat of layman terms do as other do unto you. " Fight for the sake of Allah, those that fight against you, but do not attack first. Allah does not love aggressors."

With in Christianity, the bible actually promotes some decent morals "Thou shall not kill(murder)."(Exodus 20:13;Deuteronomy) "...murders...they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:21) This is a great topic! I don't necessarily believe in the Bible but it does show very many morals and ethics we should follow in everyday life. The so called God destroyed the planet with a enormous flood. He did this because of all the violence and murder happening within the World even at this time. ".... the earth was filled with violence... Then God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence.... behold, I am about to destroy them..." (Genesis 6:13) It seems as if God is promoting violence himself by doing the following. I also thought Jesus died for our sins so WHY?, does God need to punish us all. That had no impact what so ever to help; things are still the same today as they were back in Noah's day. The bible states that " neither repented they of their murders, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts." (Revelation 9:21) It's saying humans should and do not feel sorry for themselves and their actions which contain many unmoral meanings. This is ridiculous, true though, human beings truly do not feel sorry for themselves. This is a problem that causes us to sin and be the unmoral beings we are. An issue with me and God is that Jesus died for are sins as I've said before, which makes humanity think we can sin and still go to Heaven.

I beleive that this is a very bias website and that they are trying to promote Christianity. Yet, when I read it and intook it's teachings I found many flaws in both religions. Some, were very obvious and others I really had to dig into my heart deep, to think about. Religion is just one big debate on which one is the more "better" religion. In lamene terms we look into religion for a place where we humans can find a way to be ok with oursleves and to accept our faults.

Faith and religion is never going to change, stop or learn to accept eachother. This is shown throughout history and is very relevent in today's society. Humans since the dawn of time have "adapted" to sin. We do it everyday. When a young girl says she is fat, when another lies. It is apart of us. I believe humans will always try to look up into the sky and imagine a higher power. This isn't a bad thing, it is just the way it is. We will forever more be sinners and religion, mainly Chrisianity and Islam will always be just ONE GIANT CONTROVERSY!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


During our vacation I set a survey out at work and tried to convince customers to take it. I felt as if by doing this rather than just within the school, I may get a little more help and opinions. Elders tend to be wiser and have visualized more with-in our World. Students have this innocent ignorance to them.
My series of questions was, why do we treat others the way we do? What causes us to think we can treat people that way? What are your personal feeling to how you would treat another? Do you believe in the "Golden Rule," treat others how you would want to be treated? How would you treat someone if you saw them on the street and they waved to you, even though you may not know them? What are your thoughts when you look at me?
Since we were itzy bitzy we've grown to learn the "Golden Rule, treat others the way yourself would want to be treated." Yet in our World we don't do that. Essentially it seems no-one does to me. This is why I felt a need to question elders, students, and people of all differences.
I chose several men and women I thought were very stuck up and seemed icky, men and women that were very nice and seemed essentially happy, students I knew and students I didnt and finally I chose a wide variety of ethnicities, looks, and personalities. Not trying neccessarily to be judgmental at he first look, but many people can come off as all the above in varies surprizing ways.
I gave twenty survey's, recieving feed back of many controversial ideas and opinions. People truly are so much more different than I'd ever believe! It drove me crazy for a second! I gained so much more than I'd thought I would have. For the most part people all had the same idea. At first they were timid and like "why are you doing this." They had no idea!
Many expressed to me that they had "never thought about it." I told them they didnt need to take it but I thought it may be a good thing to finally think about that. I felt as if " how can people not think about something you do every day!" I had a hard time believing it. I asked them to try their hardest
Others spoke with wisdom that just shook me to the core, I'd felt as if I had been changed by ones opinion. There chipperness and positivity was just a refreshing change in energy. They felt that the "Golden Rule" was truly how they had been brought up and had managed their lives. I found this wonderful aspect. To know that there are others who believe that humanity should act a certain way to recieve that same sort of form of act. Yet, they expressed to me that at least that once a day they had judged someone, something, somewhere.
One man I remember wrote "I disagree with the Golden Rule, I believe the only way to make it as far as I have is to judge your way to the top. Always think you are better than EVERYONE else. I am a succesful buisness man and make millions of dollars a year, I don't need love and friends when I have money." I was astonished by what this man's feelings were. In a way I felt it as some sort of denial thing. To me this seemed like ludacris. I believe in "money cant buy you love." How could someone actually think that? I began a deep thinking process and sunk in my mind. Are there more human beings like that? I realized of course there are. All of a sudden a lightbulb lit in my mind, This is why our World is the way it is. Because of people like him. We all judge, everyday! But this man strives on it and makes a living off of using and judging others. I thought it was pathetic.
As I chose my victims my first question which was spoken was, "what do you see in me? First glances and impressions mean ALOT! Im asking you to put judgement upon me!" Many looked at me and said I looked very sweet and innocent, only one spoke of me having a evil dark side they could see. This surprized me, I think I come off as this sassy little sweet girl but those who really know me, know this is not true. Though I am sweet and sassy I have a evil side darker than you can imagine. Not one person said I gave off a negative, angry energy. This left me flabberghasted! I am filled with anger. Though it may not unleash it's just apart of me, apart of us all.
The judgements upon myself were very different than that of who I really am. This led me to the conclusion that, judgment and treating others the way we do is wrong! Dont do it, until you truly know a person. You never know what a person has really gone through until you spend a day in their shoes. This is my conclusion to my survey. It was the same as before. In a way I knew that it would be like this, but with a few more surprizes. I'm shocked at many of the comments and was surprized by people. We are so facsinating! How we act, what we say, and who we are. We most definantly are the most unethical yet moral race of living things on this Earth.

Monday, December 17, 2007

As much as we'd like not too...

As much as we'd like not to, we find ever oppurtunity to hate
Never knowing what our actions our doing and whether or not to deflate
Always looking for excuses just because we discriminate
Always looking for ways to accept our own fate

As much as we'd like not to, we all remain in a sence of lost
Surrounded by attempts in changing, yet we feel as if it's too high a cost
Always taking life by the horns and then watching it as it slowy turns to a frost
Always taking life and watching as it's star-crossed

As much as we'd like not to, we search and tend to destroy
Catching a glimpse of this hard-working steel similar to Troy
Always visualizing then never acting as if some sort of annoy
Always visualizing , thinking moral then a switch as if some sort of coy

As much as we'd like not to, we gain age and wisdom
Finally seeing the truth about the ism
Always questioning, and in society being forced to succumb
Always questioning and looking for and outcome


Cultural Studies is a HUGE topic! When I first became interested in this topic for this blog this year I don't think I realized how broad of a term it really is...
Ever since I was a young girl people have just fascinated me. They way they act, treat others and change. How humans can adapt and learn. I enjoy observing them. Over a series of weeks I've been observing people actions towards me. It's so interesting that every one's mood reflected there actions. This is just a an observation, no significance but it intrigued me. I believe that I need to understand the different areas of this broad topic, specify what I want and reevaluate what I understand "cultural studies" is. I want to know so much but with not enough time on my hands. Well, at least in this class. I wonder if in my future will this travel with me? Will I learn so much about humans they disgust me? How can it be that we "humans" have lived together for so long? Will history repeat itself again? I question myself, my actions, my thoughts and emotions and wonder if others are thinking that same or can relate. I wonder if "Americans," meaning all persons living within America, realize if they over-use EVERYTHING!!!! So many questions, I feel lost now.
Through out history all evidence points to history repeating itself over and over again. It seems every-time we try something new we always end up in the same place. If you look around us now and a decade ago and a century ago, you see we are always in some sort of War depending on if it's Civil or International. We strive on grief it seems? As if it ignites this giant burner and sends an instant message of shock to every inch. We fight, become allies, then fight and become allies with another. Countries are not loyal. If you were not able to fight you were essentially just captured and taken over. If you look at origins of people, you see not many people only come from one place. Over all these millions of years people have traveled, conquered or were extinct, repeatedly. They never learn. We never learn. We let the same thing happen all the time. " I'm not going to do this." Yet the next day you catch yourself eating that bag of Hot Cheetos again. It's never ending and I believe it will be so forever more. We have made it this far together, why not end on a good note and STOP all this violence. We have created a bad habit, one which is not easily broken. "It's better to learn a good habit first then to ever have to learn how to replace your bad habit with a good one." (-unknown) I just worry, science is so intense these days, I just see us blowing each other up and it's scary to think. One day your laughing the next your gone, puts your head through the wringer. We must truly strive to understand one another and realize history is repeating itself again.
In today's society I believe most people are different. There is so much diversity in the World. We may all be 99.9% the same but, our belief systems range from a ultimate high to an extremely low. We may be thinking similarly but about opposite ideas. I just question myself and what I do and compare it to another. I like to see how we add up. A lot of others are very similar to me. In high school, life is "pretty rough." (joking) In reality it's difficult, at least socially. Others students throughout the school and I have began expressing our feeling to each other. How can we think such similar things and not be friends. We talk about judgement. People lay this upon of grounds so hard at RFHS it seem. Not necessarily with stereotypes but in cliques. It's interesting to begin to understand the brain of a teenager as well as of a young adult. I hope to learn more as my life continues.
As for the future, I assume can wait, "I mean it is the future." No one knows! We all can dream though, and hope. Stay positive and look in the past to help us create a future. Know our faults and accomplishments and learn to hold ourselves with pride. I believe the future holds great things for humans, it's just a matter of surviving other humans to reach the ultimate prize. It's funny how we have to beat ourselves. We are all 99.9% the same. Maybe that's it?! Humans around the World do not realize this. Perhaps they are so blind to judgement and stereotypes that they are unable to see what is right in front of there faces. We need to just learn we are not so different after all.

How alike are all human beings?